The implementation and organisation of European and international mobility involve all the people of the institution at different levels. Every year is nominated a mobility coordinator to ensure the implementation of the mobility (before, during, after). The coordinator is a key figure that: maintains relationships with the partners; fills the form on line; prepares documents; welcomes the incoming staff and students; stays in touch with the outgoing staff and students; follows national meetings. An assistant provides support to the administrative back-up. Auxiliary assistants are involved in specific tasks (protocol, payments, shipping, storage, translations). The coordinator, the director and academic council provide calls for participation, signatures, agreements, recognition of the study plan, support to communication. The communication (call for applications, lectures, workshop, etc.) is made through the production of digital and printed contents.


Fundamental Principles

Our academic credit system is based on the Bologna Process and his guidelines ( learning-policy/doc/ects/guide_en.pdf). We offer five main courses - “Scuole” - divided into two cycles: - First cycle (3 years) of 180 academic credits; - Second cycle (2 years) of 120 academic credits. The disciplines - followed abroad and contained in the Learning Agreement - are fully recognized when the ERASMUS students come back. In recognition we proceed by affinity and substitution in personal study plan, considering the best solution for the student.


Responsabile Erasmus

  • Prof. Raffaele Fiorella
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