Before mobility
The institutional home page ( presents our five main courses - called “Scuole”: Decorazione, Pittura, Grafica, Scenografia, Scultura (our Course Catalogue is still in Italian, but we are working to translate it into English very soon). Each main course has a webpage that contains description of the guideline, objectives, disciplines, hours of attendance and credits, perspectives, and provides a direct link to the study’s plan.
The institutional procedure for the approval of inter-institutional agreements is mainly based on preparatory visit. The preparatory visit permit to share visions and create trusty between the institutions. Some agreements are stipulated thanks to academic staff relational capital. The personal contacts with the involved institutions guarantee a constant monitoring of the activities, courses and procedures at local and global level.
In our institution there isn't a linguistic specific preparation for mobility students. Any how we foster students with a basic knowledge of English. In the study plan there is an obligatory course of "English for artistic communication".
During mobility
Every incoming mobile participant is received by the coordinator, the academic staff and most of the students. The first aid is for the accommodation (in the university college or private) and for logistics in the city. The coordinator personally takes care of the presentation of the new ERASMUS student to the academic community, assists him in his introduction into each class. The coordinator is contactable at any time (via cell phone, email, social network) for problems that might arise during the student’s stay. Our outgoing students are selected by a call for participation published annually (web site, bulletin board). The selection is based on personal curricula and attitude to new languages. At the moment we offer seven destinations. The language support to incoming students is primarily through English. The Institute does not organize Italian language courses for foreign students. We are planning the intervention of the faculty of languages and local associations for the frequency of Italian language courses for foreigners. To facilitate the students' relationship with the foreign teachers visiting steps were taken to a translator or in the language of the host or English. There is not a direct web link for this policy.
After mobility
We accept all the activities indicated in the Learning Agreement that are completed by the mobile students (Transcript of Records). We are upgrading our conversion system based on linear translation and affinity to the statistical system proposed in the Bologna Process. We do not have traineeships in enterprises, yet. The teacher and staff mobility is encouraged at best as a teaching tool for updating the individual and institutional levels. Each type of support (contact human, logistics, etc.) is offered to teachers for this purpose. Every year we make a call for the selection of teachers and staff in mobility. Priority is given to teachers and staff who have never been in such employment and that they should spend several years in their role. The other factor is the quality of the project to be carried out and the strengthening of good relations with the partner institution. The language training (English or language of the country partner) is a prerequisite of mobility.
When Participating in European and International Cooperation Projects
Every cooperation project is supported by personal involvements and administrative back-up. The staff mobility is regulated by a call for participation published annually (web site, bulletin board). The selection is based on personal curricula, attitude to new languages and originality of the project. The ERASMUS coordinator presents both to the institution innovations and strategies discussed during the official meetings. We intend to promote the participation with a communication system based on web and local visual presence. What we do is oriented to an open society: Bari is special social hub. To recognise the participation of our staff and students in European and international cooperation projects we organize specific events.
Responsabile Erasmus
- Prof. Raffaele Fiorella